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The epic quest for workplace wellness

Prepare your space snacks, as we voyage through the nebula of logic forms and decision trees, on our newest mission commissioned by Tryangle and MTech.
First, allow us to introduce the stars of our current expedition. On one hand, we have Tryangle, the esteemed architects of workplace happiness and well-being, known far and wide for their interstellar strategies to boost morale and productivity. And on the other hand, we have MTech, a visionary career fund in the metal and technology industry, tirelessly striving for quality careers and the competitiveness of enterprises.
Tryangle called on Major Tom to develop a digital decision tree that would simplify and personalize the process of navigating the multiple dimensions of workplace wellness. Imagine it as a friendly alien life form that will guide HR managers and employers through a network of choices across different topics. Each topic hosts an in-depth questionnaire designed with conditional logic. The form also saves your progress and allows you to pick up where you left off with a unique link.
And wait till you hear about its mind-bending, future-seeing abilities. The web app doesn't just collect your responses, it digests them, thinks about them, and spits out a tailored piece of advice based on your input.
We are still busy assembling this masterpiece of a tool, an intricate network of questions and answers that transforms into a sleek and easy-to-use platform. We'll be back with more information about its launch soon!

Our co-pilot for this project: Altruïs.
Altruïs stands for less digital stress, and more mindfulness. They operate on the belief that balanced consumption of digital technology can be just as beneficial to our well-being as a well-balanced diet is to our physical health. And boy, do we dig their ethos!