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We ♥ NC Zedenleer!
The RIKZ.Z (Raad voor Inspectie en Kwaliteitszorg Niet-Confessionele Zedenleer) and various associated liberal and humanist educational organizations (like Samenspel vzw, Prik vzw, Fakkeltjes and others) have chosen Major Tom to build their umbrella platform, to focus on digitalization and modernization, collaboration and the quality of teaching materials.
Operation NCZ is a go!
For this project, Major Tom chose to team up with branding and strategy expert Els Verzele from Dear Brand. Together we set out to create a new digital platform that meets the needs of NCZ's different target groups and users. This, in terms of content, functionality, user-friendliness ánd design.
With aligned ideologies, Major Tom and Dear Brand are cut out for this project so we've embarked on the assignment with great enthusiasm and dedication. We're looking forward to bringing NCZ the modern new platform it deserves.
So far...
We organized conversations with the product owners to get a clear insight into who does what between the various stakeholders.
Engineering the wireframes for this project proved to be quite a challenge but got to be quite satisfying at the same time. We programmed the wireframes for both the corporate website intended for the general public and the extranet intended for students, teachers, and other professionals.
Finalizing the wireframe testing we felt mighty proud to have prepared a tool that would significantly improve NCZ's workflow.
Last but not least, we've finalized the new portal design.
Next up?
Development of a kick-ass website and community portal / extranet. Stay tuned!