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Methodology factory

Believing in the power of co-creation
Here we go again! We've created a new digital masterpiece for one of the coolest organizations we know: MethodiekFabriek!
Now, you might be wondering, "Who or what is MethodiekFabriek?" Let's put it this way, if you've ever wanted to change a system or improve a society - and we mean really improve, not just slap some duct tape on a leaking pipe - then MethodiekFabriek is your best friend. They're the Sherlock Holmes of sustainable change, the Indiana Jones of co-creation, and the Avengers team of open-source methodologies. Yep, they're that cool.
And now their genius is finally matched with an equally genius website, designed by none other than... drumroll Major Tom!
The challenge? Turn a maze of information into a clear, easy-to-navigate site that is both super user-friendly and astonishingly beautiful. And not to pat ourselves on the back (okay, maybe a little), but we nailed it.
Thanks to a phenomenal CMS - so phenomenal it should be wearing a cape - the website can be maintained and updated by multiple parties, individually or together.

And if you thought that was it, wait until you hear about our hosting. We've taken on the digital guardianship of MethodiekFabriek - reliable, secure, and always on guard. Our hosting is like Kevin Costner's bodyguard but without the cheesy love songs.
We're immensely proud of this project and hope you're as excited as we are. So what are you waiting for? Check out MethodiekFabriek's new website and see the future of systemic change.
But wait, there's more! The brand-new website is not just a cornucopia of groundbreaking ideas and methodologies; it also includes a smooth, efficient e-commerce application. We've harnessed the power of Mollie as a Payment Service Provider (PSP) to bring MethodiekFabriek's exceptional "Methodiek Atlas" right to your digital doorstep.
The "Methodiek Atlas", for those of you wondering, is the ultimate guide for anyone embarking on the journey of participative work. It's a treasure trove of insights, guidance, and tools designed to empower communities and foster new, more inclusive ways of working together. And buying it is a breeze.
We've engineered an intuitive, fluid purchasing flow that makes checkout faster than the Flash on a caffeine rush. It's so smooth you might not even realize you've completed your purchase before the confirmation email lands in your inbox. Isn't that the kind of online shopping experience we all want?

Our partner in crime for this project. Usual suspect Els Verzele from Dear Brand, your strategic and creative companion. Visit her workspace here.